Shall we prepare for the diagnosis of thyroid cancer

Compliance Monitor Deliberated No. 2023-0617 <Valid Period of Deliberation No. from June 8, 2023 to June 7, 2024>

The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland in front of the neck of our body is an endocrine organ that secretes hormones related to human metabolism

Think of thyroid hormones as hormones that make cells work The work of cells involves mainly taking nutrients and making them energy that cells can use

When thyroid hormones are insufficient, cells work slower than usual, which is called hypothyroidism.If you suffer from dysfunction, the process of converting nutrients into energy becomes slower and your body loses energy, while nutrients accumulate in your body, so you gain weight even if you eat a little.” On the other hand, when you have more thyroid hormones, your cells work faster, your heart speeds up, your body heats up and you’re vulnerable to heat

The thyroid gland, which does this work, is located on the neck rod in the shape of a butterfly, and if an abnormality occurs and grows up, you can touch it with your hand or check it with the naked eye. The lumps in the thyroid gland are called nodules, and 10-15% of these nodules progress to cancer.

Thyroid cancer is absolutely a good cancerThere’s no such thing as unconditional More than 95% of thyroid cancers are classified as papillary cancer, including women, water quality cancer and dysplastic cancer. Among thyroid cancers, papillary cancer has a very high survival rateEven if papillary cancer is left unattended for a long time, it can turn into reverse-plastic cancer, so anticancer treatment should be started immediately after detection, and hormone drugs should be taken for life if thyroid is removed by surgery.”Since women have the second-largest incidence after breast cancer, it is recommended to prepare for thyroid cancer diagnosis if you have a history of thyroid hormone in your siblings or relatives’ families.Can I have it all for cancer diagnosisIf you are tested and diagnosed with cancer, I think all cancers are the same, but from the company’s point of view, not all cancers are the same.”Cancer can occur anywhere from head to toe of our body, and the treatment process and treatment period vary widely, so common cancers sometimes occur, but special contracts are classified as high-cost cancers that cost a lot of treatment once they occurAmong them, thyroid cancer diagnosis costs are usually classified as similar cancer diagnosis costs, so if you want to set up a special contract on the thyroid side, you can prepare it with similar cancer diagnosis costs and special calculation fees.Among them, thyroid cancer diagnosis costs are usually classified as similar cancer diagnosis costs, so if you want to set up a special contract on the thyroid side, you can prepare it with similar cancer diagnosis costs and special calculation fees.FALSE CANCER DIAGNOSTIC MONEYIf you have cancer designated as a similar cancer by the company, you can sign up once each. The reason why this special agreement is good is that you can get compensation for general cancers (stomach cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, etc.) and additional paymentsIt means that you can take it once.For example, if you get thyroid cancer in the future, you can get it twice. Cancer recurrence rate is increasing. Boundary tumors classified as similar cancers or original cancers are called stage zero cancer. So be prepared for similar cancers along with general cancersIt means that you can take it once.For example, if you get thyroid cancer in the future, you can get it twice. Cancer recurrence rate is increasing. Boundary tumors classified as similar cancers or original cancers are called stage zero cancer. So be prepared for similar cancers along with general cancerscalculation special diagnostic feeThe calculation exception is a Korean medical system in which the government pays most of the medical expenses when suffering from a serious disease (cancer, cerebrovascular, cardiovascular, etc.)It is a special contract that can secure diagnostic money when selected as a special case for calculation. Similar cancers are also cancer, so if you become a special case for calculation, you can secure additional money like thyroid cancer.………………………………………………………It also has the advantage of being able to prepare for future recurrence of cancer and other cardiovascular diseases because collateral is not deleted just because it is paid once, but because it comes back every year.”In the case of thyroid cancer, it is better to prepare a large amount of money that can be received first than surgery because most of them are found in the early stages and are treated with drugs such as targeted anticancer treatments or immunocancer drugsSpecial 20 million won for calculating 10 million won for cancer similar to 20,000 won for women in their 30s Targeted anti-cancer cost 20 million won Targeted anti-cancer treatment watch 50 million won for thyroid cancer diagnosisSpecial 20 million won for calculating 10 million won for cancer similar to 20,000 won for women in their 30s Targeted anti-cancer cost 20 million won Targeted anti-cancer treatment watch 50 million won for thyroid cancer diagnosisSpecial 20 million won for calculating 10 million won for cancer similar to 20,000 won for women in their 30s Targeted anti-cancer cost 20 million won Targeted anti-cancer treatment watch 50 million won for thyroid cancer diagnosisThe cost of diagnosing breast cancer or thyroid cancer, which often occurs in women, should be prepared in advance before getting older because it is a common carcinoma and the treatment period is long and the probability of recurrence is high.Are you ready for cancer now?I am Kim Jae-hwan, team leader of The Best Innscare, who compares and analyzes the designs of all life insurance companies in Korea and helps them acquire and proceed safely.Thank you.I am Kim Jae-hwan, team leader of The Best Innscare, who compares and analyzes the designs of all life insurance companies in Korea and helps them acquire and proceed safely.Thank you.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image